Sunday, December 13, 2009

De Lange Syndrome More Condition_symptoms Does Anyone Have A Child Born With De Lange Syndrome With Severe Retardation If So Tell Me The Outcome?

Does anyone have a child born with De lange syndrome with severe retardation if so tell me the outcome? - de lange syndrome more condition_symptoms ...

Above a certain basic information. The syndrome is genetic in nature and can affect hearing, vision, physical and intelluct. the other said that the syndrome is mild or severe, you can, it will be necessary to assess invidually each child.

People with severe intellectual disability and are often made more difficult wholly or partly in an environment of even a lot of problems with the skills of daily living (dressing, eating, toilet) communication and academics. You can learn, but a struggle for them. It is rare to come live indepdently or unattended, and their use is often in sheltered workshops.

Hope this helps. Many of the results depends on the family for each child, he or she is born, educational opportunities, and the nature of early intervention.


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