Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Osteoporosis More Condition_symptoms If China Has An Almost Non Existent Dairy Industry Then Are They More Prone To Osteoporosis?

If China has an almost non existent dairy industry then are they more prone to osteoporosis? - osteoporosis more condition_symptoms

Why are milk and dairy products in the United States?


Michael said...

This is exactly the opposite. The amount of protein and calcium in our diet making us more susceptible to osteoporosis. The quantity of milk that we consume in our country is terribly bad for us to strengthen in all bones. See "Food for a New America" for more information

billyvni... said...

If you're lucky, long enough to achieve an "old" age, the only thing that is killing you a broken hip. This is not the case itself, but the infection occurs. Erosion after prolonged bed rest.

Calcium now (before 30) is directly correlated with strong bones when you're 80th

Calcium and vitamin D are also important. Sunlight plays a vital role in the production of vitamin D. You should supplement of vitamin D

The correct answer is that the government improve the United States in the effort, the lives of dairy farmers to encourage people to drink milk. Capitalism!

Andrew said...

Chinese eat a lot of soy products and tofu, it contains lots of calcium so that a limited need for milk and other dairy products.

Of course, the United States have no role soybeans and tofu, and you get calcium from milk, etc.

Shanana said...

Well, I think theres a lot of calcium in the seafood or is it iron? with all importers and exporters in the world, the hand i dont think ur doing in the dairy products as rpoblem in an urban area preserved.

Vash said...

China Dirya industry.

I was born and my milk every morning.

Muggle said...

Yes, it's good for the bones. And it tastes good. : D

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